Tagged: Superheroes

Games That Should Be Made: Aquaman

It just swept over me like a wave… pun intended. I just thought about how the Aquaman concept would make a fantastic game. And I mean a real life, triple A game. I mean, I’d be MUCH happier with a big budget Aqualad (of Young Justice) game, but the universe hates me and everyone like me so that’s not gonna happen.Truthfully, you could swap in any aquatic superhero like Namor, Namora, or even Stingray (snort!), but since Aquaman is the guy everybody seems to hate, expectations would be low and surprise would be epic.  What would really be mad radical is if they made Aquaman look like Vinnie Chase. I know its a tough pill to swallow, but let me walk you through the reasons why this would be an amazing game.


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